Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The 5th season - carnival in Germany

Today, on November 11th at exactly 11.11 am is the magical date for the beginning of the 5th season in Germany: carnival. In German it’s called Karneval and Fasching, depending on the region. Until Aschermittwoch (Ash Wednesday) celebrations, Sitzungen (sessions), floats, street events, parties, balls and many other festivities take place all over the country.
Today is also the moment when the ‘Tollitäten’, Prince and Princess carnival take over the reign of their ‘närrische’ subjects. Most famous are the Karnival in Köln and Mainz as well as the Münchner Fasching. Popular is the Weiberfastnacht in Cologne which is celebrated on March 7th 2011.
It’s a free for all for women, who storm the Town Hall and are allowed to cut off the tie of any man they choose. And to kiss them too. It's a fun occasion for a sinlge woman traveler. Just don a costume, mingle with the crowd and do as you please.
Karnevalsgesellschaften work all year on the elaborate floats which parade the streets of Köln, Mainz and other German cities. Sweets are thrown into the crowds who line the streets and cheer the floats. Everybody participates, wearing costumes and disguises or just a red nose.
Go and enjoy the 5th season in Germany.