Saturday, October 17, 2009

Chic women travel light!

What single woman traveler doesn't know the feeling: struggle with luggage, handbag, passport, wallet, tickets, trolley trying to make it through the airport, through security and to the gate in time. Nobody helps you get your bag in the overhead locker and, once you have arrived, you spend ages at the caroussel and, in the worst of cases, your luggage has travelled to the opposite part of the globe from you. Not any more. Where ever I go in the world and regardless of the length of my stay, it's a copious shoulder bag with plenty of zippered compartments for travel documents, a book, money, passport and basic cosmetics. The zippered compartments are vital for easy access to what's needed at any given moment and for security so that nifty thieves can't slip their sticky hands into your belongings. Next is a carry on bag which contains the absolute necessities and nothing else. I'm a great fan of the luggage made by Spanish luxury leather goods manufacturer Loewe. Their products are expensive, but they last forever, are extremely chic and lightweight by themselves. They can also be easily distinguished and cannot be confused with somebody else's luggage. It's imperative that your luggage should never weigh more than you yourself are able to lift and stow in the overhead locker. My carry on bag never holds cosmetics. They are heavy and today's restrictions calling for ealed bags ar just tedious. My handbag holds travel toothpaste and toothbrush, a comb, a brush, a deo stick and lip gloss. Enough to gt you to your destination smelling and feeling good. All you really need to carry in the bag are any medications you might need, but don't forget to also carry presriptions or you could be in serious trouble in some countries. All other cosmetics I buy cheaply at a suprmarket at my destination. The same applies to items of clothing. Street markets etc. offer anything you might need for the duration without breaking the bank.Nothing needs to be of high quality for a few weeks. What also goes in the bag is a set of plastic cutlery. I oftne like to have a quick snack, a few piecs of fruit or a joghurt in my room insetad of going for every meal to a restaurant. A set of cutlery is indispensable for that purpose. Follow these golden rules and you will a. be surprised how little you really need and can still look fab and b. how much airport stress is reduced. Holiday over, I leave everything behind for the maids to enjoy.


  1. Inka

    Before you move too far into this blog, I'd suggest right now that you start over in Wordpress. It's the same as blogger, free, and easy, but it renders the pages perfectly for mobile phones...unlike blogger. Also you can do way more cool stuff with wordpress. I wish I had started my blog there but after five years it's too late for me.

    Post shorter. don't use all of your ideas in one single post. People won't read anything that goes on as long as this, cut it down to about 400 words maximum. A blog post is a quick idea, not an entire article. Put in photos it makes the blog look better. Link to a ton of great woman traveler blogs and tell the people you've linked to them. it's a slog but in the end it's worth it.

  2. Excellent suggestions! Thanks!

  3. Inka
    You are right about travelling light!
